What activities exist for my kids?
During our 9:30 worship, children ages 4-10 gather in the education building next door for a special children's church program just for them. We also offer an attended nursery for infants and children under 3 years of age during that time.
What kind of Church/denomination is this?
Our church has historical roots with the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) - the oldest Protestant denomination founded on American soil in the mid to late 1800's. During the frontier times, our founders dreamed about a gathering of people that could worship Jesus without all of the divisions created by denominational creeds, tests of membership, and man-made rules. They wished to only be called "Christians" and use the Bible as their primary guide.
What Bible Studies or Small Groups do you offer?
We have a weekly Bible study for ladies on Mondays at 1pm in the Education building.
Additionally, there's Wednesday morning group for men and women that meets for coffee at 8:30am at the Coffee Dog, and each Thursday at 11:30am we gather in a "Brownbag Lunch" style format to play UNO. We have other activity based small groups that are designed around common interests; i.e. - ladies book club that meets every other month, ladies birthday lunch on the 3rd Saturday at 11:30am at Bassano's Italian Restaurant.
What do you believe/teach?
You can read a basic overview of what we believe here. Plain and simple, we stress the Good News of Jesus Christ and his death and resurrection for the forgiveness of sins and eternal life, which ultimately begins now as we love God and love our neighbors as ourselves. The following describes us well: "In opinions, liberty; in essentials, unity; in all things, love."
How would you describe your worship services?
Multi-generational, timeless, creative.
Well, this depends on the service you're attending. At the 9:00am service, the music selections are more contemporary, but think more of a coffeeshop style. At the 11:00am service, the music is featured from a hymnal, led by a choir made of up youth and adults - accompanied by a pianist and the occasional violin and flute. Our worship service varies from week to week with involvement from many people. We have scripture readers, prayer, special choir anthems, musical selections from soloists, trios and quartets, and occasionally a children's bell choir. The center of our worship time is an observation and celebration of the Lord's Supper. All Christians are invited to join us at the Lord's Table for a time of reverent reflection, introspection, and prayer.